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Reflection (Week 14)

Assalamualaikum and hi !

     Finally, this is the last week for this semester and of course for this course. Well at first, I could not really wait to finish everything. Because of all the assignments and tasks that I feel like it burdened me too much and I really want to end everythingas soon as possible. But when the time arrives, I started to feel a little bit sad because after this, we will not going to learn the same thing again.

     For me, this course has taught me a lot about multimedia and web. I have learned many things that  I had never been exposed to before. And I am really sure all things that I have learned will be useful for my future career.

    This last week, we proceed with the digital story telling presentation. There were four more groups left to present their stories including my group. We voluntereed to be the first group to present our project. This is because we were to excited to share with our classmates what we have done with all the efforts and I feel proud to present our hardwork to them. Even there are some slight mistakes in the short movie but still for me, we had done our best and the result of the project is satisfying. Well this is our movie entitled The Wishing Star.

The Wishing Star - Rufflers Production

      As for other groups, I can see that they also had done a very good job in making the movies. I enjoyed watching all the movied they had done and all of them are really good in these things. I am sure that all of us tried really hard to do our best and for me, we had done quite a good job.

     After we finished all the presentations, we submitted the report. Miss Amreet gave her speech for the last class and I felt quite sad thinking that, this is our last meeting in class. We have learned a lot from Miss Amreet and she gave her best to guide all of us. I am satisfied with her teaching methods and I really enjoyed the class throughout the semester. As for assignments, even at first I feel like it was really burdening and it seemed impossible but when we got along the weeks, we somehow managed to complete everything on time.

       Because this is our last class, we took some pictures together as memories. Unforgettable memories! This is our pictures, Group C, with Miss Amreet. She is really sporting and being in her class is really enjoyable towards the end.

      Since this is the last reflection for this semester, I would like to take this chance to say thank you to or beloved lecturer, Miss Amreet Kaur, who had taught us a lot throughout the semester. Thank you for guiding us in completing all the assessments. Thank you for giving us such experiences that we never had before and we have learned many new exciting things and we were also very grateful to have a very good lecturer as her. Also thanks a lot to all my friends that had helped me in some works especially the digital story telling project. 

      This is the end of semester but I hope it is not the end for all of us to stay in touch. We will be sitting for our final examination and I wish GOOD LUCK to all my friends for the upcoming examination. I hope all of us can get good result and may everything going smooth for all of us. Thank you!

Argumentative Essay

     These days, smartphones are really popular among students. They use smartphones to create good communication in their social life. But, smartphones are also being used as a platform to search for informations and it has been used as a replacement to computers and laptops. This is because of the size of the smartphones are much smaller but in the same time students are able to do many things easily compared to using computers and laptops which are larger in size and sometimes burdening to carry around. Somehow, usage of smartphones has more negative sides compared to its benefits if it is being used in a wrong way.

    Firtsly, uncontrollable usage of smartphones will make students waste most of their time using internet only for social network sites. Smartphones make everything becomes easier to get and these days, logging in to social network sites are much easier because of the applications that had been installed in the smartphones. This will lead the students to always surfing the internet and log in to their social network sites everywhere and everytime they want. Even worse, students will also surf the internet during classes and they are not going to give full attention to the lectures. So, overusage of smartphones will lead to time waste among student.

   Secondly, smartphones will enable students to surf inappropriate websites. This is because, smartphones are created to make the surfing of internet becomes easier and some of students tend to use this advantages to go into some negative webpages that they should not visit. For example, there are some cases that the students use their phone to surf porn websites and it will lead the students to behave negatively because they can be influenced easily by the things they have watched. Underage students that are not fully understand about certain things will easily tend to follow things that they watched and it is not good for them. So, using smartphones also can lead to negative behaviour among students.

       Lastly, if the usage of smartphones among students are not being controlled, it will affect their real communication . The will stick with their smartphones even they are being surrounded by many people and it will affect their real communication due to leass interaction between the students and people around them. Some of the students who are really obsess with their smartphones, they are usually really good in socializing in social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. They are well known as a friendly person but the fact is otherwise. Spending too much time and focus on their social network life make them ignore the people around them and they cannot even communicate as good as they did in the social network sites. So the usage of smartphones will also affect people's real communication ability.

      As a conclusion, usage of smartphones has more negative sides compared to its own benefits if it is not being used properly and smartly. Smartphones are invented to make complicated things become easier and it has many functions that will give big advantages if we use it smartly. People especially students, should use smartphones in proper way and they should avoid using the smartphones in ways that will harm their own self. If people can use the advantages given to them, they will make great positive changes in their life and it will give them a bigger opportunity to create success for their own life.

Reflection (Week 13)

Assalamualaikum and hi !

     This week is the due for submission of the digital story telling project. Gladly, Lyana and I had finished with the editing even it was really tough because we lack in experiences of editing movies. But we did our best and we managed to finish it in the time given. 

     On Monday, the class was cancelled and we only got class on Wednesday. We would be presenting on Wednesday and Miss Amreet said that she would call us randomly to present our project. We were relieved at first since we have finished our movie. But when I saved the movie and I watched it again, something went wrong! The video was too dark and I had no idea on what was happening. I tried to ask some of my friends and they said that it might be the video player.

     I was really sad thinking about the video. I felt like all the hard works we did were gone. We decided to watch it again using different video player but it was the same. Gladly, we did not have to present on the Wednesday because we ran out of time so we took this chance to edit the video again and we also improved few things in the movie. This time the movie turned out better and we were so relieved and we were so excited to present our short movie to the class on next week. We worked really hard on this project and I feel proud to present the movie. Even it is not as good as other group's work but still, we had given our best and we did all the works using our own efforts and it is really satisfying. 

Cause and Effect Essay

      Dengue has become serious in certain places in our country. We can see that the dengue cases is increasing day by day. Somehow, there are some people who are not aware about the danger on their surroundings. Dengue fever has become one of most dangerous disease that make a person suffers a lot. There are some symptoms to identify if a person got the dengue fever that can be seen begin four to six days after infection. For example a patient will have sudden high fever, severe headache, joints and muscle paints. This disease has its own cause and it also will give impacts to the person who suffers from it.

    Dengue fever is caused by the female Aedes mosquitos that infected by dengue virus. The mosquito that has bitten a person who has already infected by dengue virus in his blood will spread the virus when it bites another person. This virus can be spread from one person to another. The Aedes mosquitos live in places that have been neglected and it contains water that have not been thrown away. People who neglect their surrounding cleanliness will cause the Aedes mosquitos to live and it becomes the reason for this disease to spread.

      If this issue does not get serious attention, it will leave bad effects on people. Firstly, the cases will increase rapidly if it is not be prevented. This is a serious matter that should not be taken for granted. For example, if a household do not take care of their house cleanliness, it will not just affect themselves but it will also affect their close neighbours who are innocent. Because of some peoples’ stubbornness or ignorance, they will give trouble to innocent people around them and the cases will increase without they knowing it. 

      Lastly, dengue fever can cause worse condition if it is not be prevented and the worst part is death. Dengue fever is always mistakenly be assumed as normal fever. If it is not be treated quickly, it can bring a patient to death. A patient who suffers from dengue fever will feel terrible pains because of the viruses that have been spread all over their body through blood. It will also become worse until the blood can flows out from the nostrils and it shows that the disease is getting serious. The suffers will be ended with death. A death of a person we love will be the effects of our ignorance.

      As a conclusion, dengue fever is a really dangerous disease and it must not be taken easily. People should realize their responsibility to take care of their household to prevent bad things to happen. Dengue fever can be prevented by taking care of the cleanliness of surrounding and we can prevent the Aedes mosquitos from living in our surrounding. People should start to care about their loved ones and start to give an effort to prevent this dengue disease as we know, prevention is better than cure and we should start to give care before everything is too late.

Descriptive Essay

      I remember about last weekend when I accompanied my mother to a market. She told me to get ready suddenly. At that time I was enjoying my favourite show, RunningMan. I asked her why she asked me to get ready while I was laughing hard enjoying the show. RunningMan is a very famous variety show from Korea. It becomes famous among youths and I am also addicted to the show. It is a show that participated by Korean famous entertainers such as singers, actors and comedians. I said that I wanted to finish the show first but my mother forced me to get ready since it was already late afternoon and she said that there was no good in going to the market in late afternoon. 

      Unwillingly I left my television and I walked slowly to my room. In the room, I started to find suitable clothes to wear. I took out my jeans and some long sleeve shirts before putting them on my bed. I was confuse in choosing which one to wear. One of them is my favourite t-shirt. It is a long sleeve t-shirts in soft green colour. It also has cute butterflies at the bottom of the shirt. The word ‘fabulous’ is written under the flying butterflies. It always fits perfectly and I feel fabulous when I wear that shirt. The other one is a plain black blouse. It is also my favourite blouse and I always wear it to many places because it makes me look skinnier when I wear it. It is made from cotton and it is very comfortable to wear. While I was confuse which one to choose, I heard my mother screamed loudly telling me to go down faster. Finally I decided to wear the green t-shirt since I was only going to the market.

       We got into the car and my mother said she wanted to drive. Usually I would drive her around but today she wanted to drive by herself. I just walked slowly and sit beside her. My mother started the engine and she was finding something in the car dashboard. I felt curious and I asked her what she was doing. She said that she was looking for her sunglasses. I helped her to find the sunglasses. I found a big black sunglasses. I ask her was it the one she had been looking for. She smiled brightly and took the sunglasses and put them on her head. I said to her that we were only going to the market and she did not really need the sunglasses but she just ignored my words. Then we slowly got out from our house and heading to the market.

       Gladly the market is not that far. It takes about 15 minutes for us to reach the market.  We need to pass the big playground to get there. The traffic was running smoothly since it was already late afternoon and there was not many people going to the market. We found a parking that really close to the market.  My mother told me that she wanted to find a king crab for dinner. I shouted excitedly. I really love king crab since it is really big and it tastes extremely delicious and juicy. I got excited and we went into the market and started to find our king crab. We found a stall that sells king crabs with cheaper price. It is owned by an old man. He has dark skin but his smile is so bright when we said that we wanted to buy three king crabs for RM60 after we negotiated with him. After getting the king crabs and other ingredients, we directly went home and started to start our cooking activity.

      That night, our dinner was so amazingly delicious as expected from my mother who is really a good cook. She made spicy king crab soup and it was very mouth-watering. As always, my father would praise my mother’s cook. We enjoyed the dinner together and as for me, the king crabs were really satisfying because of its size and it made me full easily. Even at first I was not really wanted to follow my mother to the market but at the end, it was worth it.

Persuasive Essay

      Lately, usage of social network sites and social network applications are increasing shockingly. Social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpaces are being used widely. While social network applications such as Whatsapp, and Wechat have become the medium for people to stay connected to each other. These sites and applications are very common among youngsters and it becomes the easiest for them to contact each other even they stay far from each other. These sites and applications have made connection between people become wider and easier but in the same time, it creates problems amongst youth. Problems such as fights, cyber bullying and watching inappropriate sites, become common amongst them and sometimes it turns out worse as a crime. Everybody need to realize about their own roles in helping to reduce the problems.

      Firstly, the users of these social network sites and social network applications should aware of their rights. If anything ever happen to them while using the sites and applications, such as cyber bullying, they should know that they have the right to report the problems. Some of them are afraid to make a report and it gives the chance to the person who involved in cyberbullying to escape from their wrongdoings. Some victims do not make a report because they assume that it is not a big thing and they do not want to create bigger issues. This will allow the culprit to escape and they will not afraid to repeat their activities. If a report was made, the culprit will get the punishments and it will reduce the possibility for them to repeat the cyber bullying activities. This will be one of the way to overcome the problem.

      Next, parents should observe their children when they are using these social network sites and social network applications. Some parents ignore their children due to their works and it gives the chance for children to do inappropriate activities behind their parents. All should know a person’s right on their personal life but as parents, they should not just ignore their children’s life style which can drag them to do bad things. Parents should know their children’s activities on social network sites and also social network applications by having the accounts to observe them silently. Parents also can observe their internet usage data to detect any suspicious behavior that their children show. It will prevents the children to act freely and this will help to overcome the problems amongst youth that related to the usage of social network sites and applications.

      Lastly, users of these sites and applications especially youngsters should know their limit in using these platforms to communicate. They should understand the functions of these social network sites and applications that were created to make connection between people become easier and faster and it should not been used in wrong ways.  Youths should bear in their mind that all things that they have written in these sites and applications actually can be found and if they use it in wrong ways, they can get problems by their own actions. They should remember that they must use these platforms to get connected with their families and friends and they can also get new friends from different places. If a person can truly understand their limit and using the social network sites and social network applications in the right way, it can be beneficial for them and in the same time will overcome the problems that occur between users of these sites and applications.

      Technology has made our life become easier. These social network sites and social network applications are surely have helped us a lot in getting connected to each other. It also has helped us in making any works easier to do. Therefore, users especially youths should use this advantages in a right way and avoid creating problems that will involve other people. Everyone has to realize the importance of their roles in overcoming this problems and start to show some care about this matter. Youngsters are the hope of our country and these problems should be handled seriously to make sure that future generation do not become a generation that is full with problems that finally will cause trouble to the country itself. 

Comparison and Contrast Essay

      Last school holiday, my family and I decided to go on a vacation together. It has been quite a long time since we spent the holiday together as a family travelling to beautiful places and creating great memories. At first, we were discussing about interesting places that we wanted to go. There were many choices. Most of us wanted to go for a place with beautiful and calming place and they chose Langkawi Island. But my father said that he wanted to get some fresh air and he wished to go to Cameron Highlands. We started to discuss which place that we would choose and which one is better. Langkawi Island or Cameron Highland?
       If a person likes to enjoy the scenery, both Langkawi Island and Cameron Highland re the perfect places to go. At the Langkawi Island, you can spend time at the beach and watch the beautiful sea scenery. You can also enjoy the night walk along the beach at night and watch the stunning moon and stars at night. It will be perfect to capture beautiful moments at the island. Cameron Highland also has beautiful places with stunning scenery that a person will choose to go. The freeze at the high land is very refreshing and the scenery of green tea leaves will calm you and it will help you to release all the stresses.
      In terms of budget, Langkawi Island is a better place compared to Cameron Highland. This is because Langkawi Island is a free-tax area. You can  buy anything in a large quantity but you can get cheaper prices compared to other places. Langkawi Island is famous with chocolates. In here, you can get variety of chocolates with reasonable prices and it will be advantages for people who love chocolates. We can also get the souvenirs such as shirts and key chains with cheaper prices. For Cameron Highland, the costs are quite high since Cameron Highland is a very famous place for tourism and it has its own product that rarely found in other places. For example, Cameron Highland is famous with its strawberries and it also has a lot of products that are made from strawberries.

      Lastly, Langkawi Island is a place that full with history. Langkawi Island is famous with the legendary of Mahsuri. There are also a lot of historical places that can be visited. For example, Tasik Dayang Bunting, Beras Terbakar, Makam Mahsuri and  it is also famous with The Underwaterworld which shows all the underwater unique creatures. The places are really beautiful and interesting to be treasured. As for Cameron Highland, there are also a lot of places that can be visited but most of them are just suit for people who want to enjoy the scenery and relax their mind from all the busy life. They can pay a visit to the strawberries farm and tea farm to enjoy the beauty scenery of nature.

      Making a decision was hard since both of the places are really interesting to go. Langkawi Island and Cameron Highland are the beautiful places in Malaysia that can be visited for a worth family holiday. At the end, we decided to go to Langkawi Island since most of us agreed to go for a vacation there because they wanted to buy a lot of things with cheaper prices. Finally we decided to go to Langkawi Island. My father seemed disappointed but we managed to persuade him and we promised that we would go to Cameron Highland on upcoming school holiday. We had a great time in Langkawi Island and we had no regret to choose Langkawi Island as a destination to travel.

Narrative Essay

      That morning, was beautiful as always it used to be. I woke up, heading to my bathroom and got my bath as fast as I can, since the freeze seemed to be worse. I performed my prayer, and went down to have my breakfast. I assumed that day would be boring, since it was a weekend without any plan. I sit down beside my younger brother, and I just smiled at him.

“Jane, let’s watch some movie! I will be bored if we just stay at home today. It is weekend, let’s go and enjoy ourselves”, my brother suddenly said to me.

  “That is a great idea, but you are the one who need to get the permission. Deal?”, I said to him.

“That is not a problem”, he replied excitedly and he walked out the kitchen, and he went to our mother who was watching the television to get her permission for us to go out that day. Mother gave her permission. So I went upstairs and got myself ready to go out with my little brother. When we were both ready, we went out and got into mother’s car. Gladly I already have my license so it will be easier for us if we want to go somewhere.

In car, while I was driving, my brother asked me about my life as a university student. I started to tell him about my life in university.  I told him about how busy a student can be in one time but still can enjoy ourselves. He asked me how can we enjoy ourselves when we are so busy with all the assignments, quizzes and test and I just said, the moment you spend doing all the works together with your friends is actually the precious ones. Of course, I am busy with all the works, but at the same time I was still enjoying all the time because I was  doing all the things with my friends, my best friends. After hearing my explanation, he said that he finally understand and he couldn’t wait to finish school and get into university which is same as mine.

As we reached the mall, we quickly went in and line up for tickets. We decided to watch The Transformers because personally, I like action movies and same goes to my brother. We also bought some drinks and popcorns to enjoy. The movie was so interesting and we like it so much. We kept talking about the movie even after the movie finished. After enjoying the movie, we went for lunch. We had some pizzas and also ice creams. After we walked around spending time together, we decided to go home since it was already late and we were afraid that mom would get worried.

After we reached home, we went inside and my brother thanked me for taking him for movie. I said it was not a big deal, and I also had a great day with him. I walked into my room and laid on my bed. It was tiring. But it was great because I could spend my weekend with my only brother since I did not have many free time due to my busy study schedule. But spending time with him, made me forget about all stress I had. It was a great weekend.

Reflection (Week 12)

Assalamualaikum and hi !

    On this week we also continued with the making of the short movie. We continued with the shooting and finished all the scenes. There were some problems we have faced during the shooting of the scenes. Because we just used the phone's camera, I was quite worried about the quality of the videos we took. But gladly the quality of the videos are fine and they were clear and it looked like we recorded it using a digital camera.

     We also dealt with the weather. There were some scenes that we need to do outside and problem occurred when almost everyday were raining heavily and we could not complete the outdoor scenes. So we proceeded with all the indoor scenes first and we managed to find a suitable that to completed the outdoor scenes. Acting was a quite hard task to do since we are not familiar with acting and it was so hard to adapt with the characters that we have created. But gladly for the main lead, for me she acted really good and she led the character well.

     After we finished everything, we started to edit the videos. Editing part was done by me and Lyana Natasha. It was my first experience to edit the videos and we need to make the videos run smoothly according to the story-line and the scenes that we have created. It was really challenging since I did not have any experience, but we chose MovieMaker as our platform to edit the videos since we are quite familiar to the software. But editing the videos has taught me new things and I have also figured out many new features that I have never used before.

     Everything seemed hard to do but we need to finish everything before the presentation. We slowly adapting the editing works and we tried our best to edit the videos and create a good short movie !

Reflection (Week 11)

Assalamualaikum and hi !

     On this week we were busy with our digital story-telling. We started to shoot the videos and completing all the scenes as soon as we can. My group and I had decided to do a short movie entitled The Wishing Star. There are four group members. Lyana Natasha Bt Jef Armi as the director. I was the co director. Zarwani Asyikin Abu Bakar as the scriptwriter and also the main lead of this short story and lastly Nurul Nabilah Bt Baba as the main camerawoman and also she held a character in the story.

     We recorded everything using my phone's camera. This is because we did not have any digital camera so we need to solve the problem as it was already week 11 and the submission for this assignment would be in week 13. We need to hurry everything up. We also got help from some of our friends for the shooting of some scenes. Thank you to Nur Syahira Anuar and Siti Mariana Ghazali who were willing to help us with some of the scenes.

     Class was held as usual but most of us were really busy about this digital story telling assignments. We also got to know that we need to do a report based on this project. It was quite burdening but I found that it is good for us to tell everything that we had done throughout the processes of making this project. I felt like it was quite hard to do this project but still it was just the beginning and I was really sure that I would be able to do complete everything successfully with my friends.

Reflection (Week 10)

Assalamualaikum and hi !

     On this week, we just continue on our latest assignments which is the homepage, and also the digital story telling. For me, I gave more focus on the homepage since this week is the due week for us to submit the assignment. So, Nabilah and I decided to finish it earlier so that we can focus on other work such as finishing the script writing since digital story telling is a tougher job to do.

     We used Weebly to create our homepage. The topic, or the thing that we decide to sell or promote as our own product is bridal dresses. We decided to create a homepage that will provides information and sells collection of bridal dresses. It was quite hard since we need to find a lot of pictures and we also need to mak e a research about different materials and fabrics. But somehow we managed to do it, and we managed to create the homepage, with our own brand which is Bellasjasmine. You can click here - Bellajasmine Bridal Collections to visit the page.

     It was really interesting to create our own brand, and we need to be really creative in managing our own page that will promote our product. It was also very funny because we had a lot of ideas, following our own imaginations. Even the page is not really interesting or look like it was created by an expert, but we really satisfied with our own efforts. It was not an easy job to do.

     We have submitted the homepage and I feel relieved that another assignment was completed. Now, I am focusing on finishing the script and also we were planning to start the shooting of our digital story telling. We were also started to focus on our blogs, since Miss Amreet did the surprise review on our blogs in the class ! I felt quite embarrassed because when Miss Amreet checked my blog in front of other classmates, and same things she did with all my classmates' blogs, because I did not updated much on my blog. So we were asked to update our blog so that it will not burden us when we have to submit the assignments in the blog.

Reflection (Week 9)

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone !

     On week nine, we continued our class as usual, with lectures and assignments. We have submitted and finished a few assignments. Prezi presentation, interactive resume, and web advertisement. We have  a few assignments left which are homepage, digital story-telling and lastly completing our personal blog, this blog.

     On this week, we focused on our homepage and also the digital story-telling. Since the blog is an assignment that we need to complete continuously, we can just finished it one by one according to requirements for the blog contents.

      For the homepage, it was also a pair work assignment. And this time, we just need to stick with our previous pair so I was paired with Nurul Nabilah Baba. I like doing work with her since we can cooperate together and do the work well together. For the homepage, there were also few choices of platform that we can choose to create our own homepage and to promote a product or any things that we wanted to sell as our own product and we need to submit it on week 10. For this homepage, we choose to use Weebly, as it is really a simple platform to create a homepage. Thanks to Fatin Zalikha, our classmates who suggested Weebly to us.

Click the picture to go to the site and create your won page!

     Besides that, we also started to discuss about our biggest, most challenging assignment, which is digital story-telling. For this assignment, we work in a group of four. My group members are Zarwani, Lyana Natasha, Nurul Nabilah and I. We need to create our own story and present it on week 13. So we decided to create a simple story, just like a video blogger. We thought the idea would be fine as long as we include all the requirements for digital story telling which are pictures, videos and audios. But when we showed the idea to Miss Amreet for her approval, she said that our idea would be boring and she wanted something more interesting. 

     So we came out with another idea and this time, we got Miss Amreet approval. We create our own story, and for me it seems quite hard to do but I know we would be able to do it together. So we started to divide our part and tasks, and I became the scriptwriter for this story and I am still working out on the script with help from all my friends. I am looking forward to this story to finish!

Reflection (Week 8)

Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone !

     This week, we were actually just got back from our hometown for our Eid Mubarak holiday. We got almost two weeks holiday and we were still in our holiday mood. But, assignments are still assignments. It is our priorities so we need to complete all the assignments on time.

     On this week, we focused on our interactive resume assignment. We were asked to create an online resume using any resume platform. We need to make it interactive an interesting since the resume is going to promote and represents ourselves and our expertise. Miss Amreet told us some platforms that we can use to do the resume. They are Opresume and Wix. These two websites are quite easy and simple to use.

      For this interactive resume, I decided to use Opresume as my platform. Opresume is a very simple and easy platform that allowed me to create my own resume based on my own creativity, or I can just use the templates provided. It is also free, so I can just register it for free without any payment and I can just sign up using my Facebook account, it makes thing easier for me to complete the assignment.

     It was a simple assignment and for me it should be easy to complete the assignment. But somehow, I was not really know how to promote myself, and I do not know how to explain my expertise so it became quite hard for me to finish this resume. Fortunately I managed to submit this assignment on time and I also got new knowledge in doing resume for my future career appliance. 

Reflection (Week 7)

Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone. 

     For week seven, we just continue the class with lectures and our assignment. We focus on Web Advertisement since the due date is on Friday, week seven. We need to submit the advertisement before we go back for Eid Mubarak holiday.

     Nabilah and I choose Powtoon as our platform to do the advertisement. At first, we drew out the main things that we wanted to insert in our advertisement. The purpose of the advertisement is to promote the Diploma in English programme in UPSI and attract people to join the programme. We decided to include the benefits of joining the programmes. We also include all the courses that have been provided under Diploma in English programme.

     For me, inserting the information was not the tough part in this assignment. The harder part was when we are treasuring the Powtoon. It was our first time using the Powtoon so we had to discover everything by ourselves. It was quite hard to understand all the functions in Powtoon but somehow we tried all the functions one by one. Me managed to understand all the functions and we also managed to finish the advertisement in quite short time and submitted it in Wikispaces.

     But unfortunately when I was in class on Wednesday, I have heard some of my classmates asking Miss Amreet about contents that we must put in our advertisement and I found out that our advertisement has left out a few things of the contents so we need to edit it again. It was really hard to edit the advertisement in a short time but gladly I managed to do it. Here is our advertisement, you can click here to watch ! 

     It was quite a hard task for us since it was our first time doing the advertisement but I’m glad that we had the experience and it will be useful for all of us if we would need to do anything that related to the platform again in future. 

Reflection (Week 6)

Assalamualaikum and hi to all.

     On sixth week, we still continue with some people left with Prezi Presentation. But on Monday, I did not attend the class because of the Nuzul Quran’s leave on Tuesday. Since I was in hometown, I skipped the Monday class so I did not listen to the few last Prezi Presentation by my friends.

     On Thursday, I went to class as usual and we were asked about the attendance on Monday since there were many of us skipped the class without any valid reason. We continue the class with Miss Amreet explaining about another assessment which is web advertisement. It was a pair work assignment. I got into pair with Nurul Nabilah Baba.

     We were asked to do a web advertisement, promoting the Diploma in English programme. We needed to create the advertisement using any platform that we prefer. We were asked to include certain things in order to promote the programme, to attract readers to join the Diploma in English programme in Sultan Idris Educational University. Nabilah and I decided to use Powtoon as our platform. It is an interesting platform to create a simple yet interactive advertisement. 

      We decided to use Powtoon because it seems really cute with many cartoons and animations and I know we would be able to create an interesting advertisement yet it is quite simple to use. But somehow we need to treasure this application by ourselves since it was our first time using it but for me it would be an interesting and valuable experience. If I were asked what platform that I will use to create an interesting advertisement, I will surely suggest Powtoon !

Reflection (Week 5)

Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone !

      On Monday, we continued with the Prezzi presentation. On this day, a few people volunteered to present their topic and fortunately I managed to present my own topic as the last person for that day presentation. I presented about Korean Traditional Games or in Korea they call it as “Jeontongnori”. At first when I started my presentation, as I mentioned my presentation topic, all my classmates said that they had no idea about my topic. It became more interesting since they were wondering what was “Jeontongnori”.

 For my topic, there were three games that I have chosen to highlight in my presentation. I chose these three games because I think they were easy to be played at home and the rules of the games are very simple to be understood. I focused on certain basic information for all the games such as the history and way to play the games. I have chosen Ddakji, Alkkagi and Yutnori. I explained all the steps and rules in playing the games using pictures and also videos. But for the last game which was Ddakji, I prepared the Ddakji disk, the disk that is needed to play the game, and I show how to play the game by myself in front of the class. Even I was very nervous at first but I managed to control my nervousness because I was so excited to share the games with my classmates.

The presentation continued on Wednesday and there were many people managed to present their topic. One of the topic that I found interesting was about Korean Cuisine presented by Lyana Natasha. Since the topic got related with Korea same with my topic, I was really interested in the Korean Cuisine that she had showed us. 

Many people presented on this week but somehow we did not manage to finish all the presentation so the rest of presentations were continued in the following week.

Reflection (Week 4)

Assalamualaikum and hi !

        In the fourth week, the Prezi presentation had started. Miss Amreet asked for any volunteers to present their topic rather than calling our name. The first person who volunteered was Nuraminah Rashid. She presented on the topic Face. She told us about different types of skin and problems that usually faced by person according to different types of skins due to usage of products. She also told us how to make our own mask that is good for our skin problems.
        Next presenter that presented an interesting topic was Nur Anis Aimi. She presented about lipstick and the information that she had shared with us was very interesting and it became a new knowledge. She told us about the substances that has been used to produce lipstick. She also shared the suitable colours of lipstick on different person with different skin colours as well as tips to make our lipstick last longer. 

There were many interesting topics that had been presented by my classmates on that day. But there was one topic which I found really interesting. It was about 'Bucket List' presented by Nur Syahira Anuar. She showed us about what is bucket list and the reason that we need to have a bucket list ! It seemed really interesting because it will be the things that we really want to do at least once in our life.

My Friends

         Friend in need is a friend indeed. This quote is very familiar for a good friendship that we have in our life. Besides having my family, I am very grateful for being surrounded with many people that I consider as friends. We call people who are close to us as our friends but we usually have some of them that are very close which we call them as our best friends. One once said that “true friendship is more precious than rubies”. Throughout my life, I have known many people and some of them, got special place in my life.

First person that I consider as my best friend is Nur Ezzaty or commonly called as Zaty. She lives in front of my house. We have known each other since we were small and for me, she was the first one who I call as my friend when I was about 3 years old. Since she lives in front of my house, we are very close to each other and I spend most of my time with her. Since kindergarten, we studied at the same place. We also went to the same primary and secondary school but somehow we did not manage to pursue our study together after we finished our SPM. She is a very out-going person and she is very funny and usually she will create laugh with her spontaneous action. Even we have separated in different ways but today, I can still call her as my best friend because whenever we have free time, we will spend time together and we will share any interesting stories that happened to us as same as we always did before.

My next dearest friend that I really love is Nur Effah Nabilah but I just call her Bayah. She is actually my cousin, but we started to get close to each other when we were in secondary school since we got into the same class. For me, Bayah is really a true friend. She was always there through my ups and my downs and she always make her surrounding become cheerful with her cheerful attitude. She is very friendly to everybody and she makes new friend easily because of that. We were very close when we were in school but unfortunately after PMR, she transferred into another school. Since then we rarely meet due but we always make sure that we contact each other and we will try to find the right time to meet and hang out together when we are both free.

The last person that I consider as my closest friend is Nurul Nabilah Baba. I just call her Bella. I have known her for about a year and half. We met each other during registration day in Dewan Kolej Ungku Omar. I have never thought that she would become my roommate and today, my best friend. First time seeing her, I assumed that she was not really friendly. But when I got to know her, I knew that I was absolutely wrong. She is a very talkative person and she is very cheerful. She loves to laugh nonstop and sometimes I did not understand the reason she laughed that much. She is a person who loves sport too much and I know that sports is her passion. She joined many tournament representing UPSI and I can see how much she loves to be part of it. Even we have known not too long but for me, she is the one who always stand with me whenever I laugh or whenever I cry.

Family is a gift, and friendship, is also part of it. Friends can be found everywhere but true friends, are rarely found. A person who got true friends is really lucky but a person who do not appreciate the friendship is really ungrateful person. I am really grateful for their existence as a part of my life and I really hope that we can remain this friendship forever as one of the best thing ever gifted in my whole life.

My Family


       Family are the ones who related to you whether biologically or non-biologically. Certain people think that people who are close to them, automatically will be called as part of their family. As for me, I have a small family members, there are only four of us which is my father, my mother, my youngest brother and me. 

First important person in my family which I respect the most is my beloved father. His name is Mohd Jifri bin Saidin and now he is 45 years old. He is working as a supervisor in a resort as well as the camp for Program Latihan Khidmat Negara(PLKN). Personally, my father is a strict person. Since my brother and I were kids, he had been really strict about our education and our lifestyle. When we grow up, he becomes more lovely but somehow he still take care of us strictly. He really loves to pamper us, both of his children and he will try his best to give things that we need. He might look fierce for people that do not have the chance to know him but once they get to know him, they will know that he is a very out-going person and he is a person with attractive personality.

The second one is my lovely mother. My mother is a person that I really respect in my life. Her name is Rogiah Binti Awang Kechik. She is 42 years-old. My mother owns her own restaurant and she has been working on it for about 2 years. Back then, she worked at the school canteen as a cook and after so many years working with people, she decided to open her own business. My mother is a very lovely person. As my father, she also loves to show her love by pampering us but she is very strict whenever we did any mistake. She has been working hard for our family. Cooking has become her passion and she is very good in cooking. In the same time, she is a very capable woman. She is never afraid to try anything new and she loves to challenge herself. For me, she is the bravest person in my life.

The third important person in my life is my one and only brother.  His name is Muhammaf Fitri Bin Mohd Jifri but I call him Ayie. He is now 18 years old and currently studying in Kolej Keda in Sik, Kedah. My brother is an outgoing person and he loves to tease people especially me. He is very close to me because I am his only sibling. Since we were kids, I am really strict with him even though he is my only brother because I do not want him grow up being someone who cannot stand on his own feet. Even I am being fierce with him but we shared almost everything together and we become best friend in the house due to the tiny gap between our ages. He is a good and humble person and I believe that he will success in his life with this kind of attitude.

For me, family is the most important gift that have been given to me. I have shared many things in my life, with my own family. They are my family but in the same time, they are also my best friend. I am very grateful for having such a happy family. Even I am now being apart from them, but they are the ones that I keep thinking in my daily life and I hope that this happiness will remain until the end of my life.

Reflection (Week 3)

       For week three, we were all busy with preparing for the Prezi presentation. As for myself, I started to do my slides on Prezi and putting all the information I have got from certain sources. As for my topic I have decided to present about three popular traditional Korean games instead of five as I planned earlier because I realized that the duration of the presentation should not be too long. I decided to share about alkkagi, yutnori and ddakji, which is very popular among Koreans.

In week three, Miss Amreet also had started with blog. We were explained about blog, platforms to create blogs and also ways of using blogs. We were given some choices of platforms, for example Blogger and Wordpress. I have chosen Blogger as my platform since I had the experience managing my own personal blog so I have been used to Blogger and it became easier for me to create and to update my blog.
       We were ask to update about certain things on blogs according to weekly assessment. For example, we need to update our weekly reflection and also some simple essay such as Myself, My Family and My Friend. I did not facing many problems in completing my blog since I am used to it. I posted the Week One Reflection, Week Two Reflection and also the essay on the topic Myself. In reflection, I wrote about everything I have been doing in class for that particular week and the essay on the title myself, I wrote anything that related to myself and my background.

Mostly, I was busy practicing for my presentation because Miss Amreet told us that we would start the presentation and I hope that I can do well in upcoming presentation.


       The name given by my parents is Jasmin Bt Mohd Jifri. But I am commonly called as Jasmin among my family members, friends and also my teachers. I am 19 years old and currently I am doing my Diploma in English at Sultan Idris Educational University or commonly known as UPSI located in Tanjung Malim, Perak. My hometown is Kampung Keda Bukit Kura, Kuala Nerang, Kedah Darul Aman.

       I started my learning when I was 4 years old in kindergarten and finished my kindergarten when I was 6 years old. After that I went to Sekolah Kebangsaan Pedu as a Standard One student. The school is near to my house and it takes about 10 minutes for me to reach the school. I sit my UPSR and I managed to get straight A's in my UPSR. Since I have got an excellent result, I was offered to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato' Syed Ahmad, a cluster school and I accepted the offer. I continue my study in SMK Dato' Syed Ahmad as a Form One student in religious stream and I sit for my PMR there. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get an excellent result for my PMR, yet I got 6A2B1C so I did not apply for any better school. I continue my studies in religious stream as well for SPM and gratefully I managed to get 8A1B for my SPM result. Since I love to learn English, I decided to apply for universities that offer English programme and I got accepted in UPSI for Diploma in English Programme.

       Everyone has their own likes and hobbies. As for myself, I have my own hobbies. During my free time, I love to listen to songs and sing whether alone or along with family and friends. If I have free time, I will always sing to myself and sometimes I will sing in front of my friends. As for listening to the different songs, I prefer to listen to English songs because I believe that it is one of the way for me to improve my English. When I listen to English songs, I will try to follow the pronunciation and the different accents correctly and it somehow had improved my pronunciation a lot. I also prefer to listen to instrumental songs since for me it can make me relax whenever I am feeling depressed by my daily pressure.

      Similar to other person, I have my own dreams for my future. One of the dreams is I want to be an educator. At first, it never crossed my mind for me to be an educator, for example, a teacher. Since my passion was about art, since I love to sing very much since I was younger until now. But somehow, my parents have a really high expectation for me to be an educator and it has been one of their biggest dream. Because of that, I decided to give up on my dream and continue to achieve my parents' dream because I believe that usually, parents' choice will lead to a great success. I want to make their dream comes true, but in the same time I still can always do my dream, with changing it to my hobby. I can sing whenever I want but I cannot be a teacher whenever I want, that is the principal that I hold on to.

       In life, the most important thing is never give up on any things that you are doing. And it is important for you to make an effort, and give the best for yourself and others that related to you. I believe that, being myself, will able me to make great changes in my own way.

Reflection (Week 2)

       On Monday, the first class for the second week, we needed to show Miss Amreet the topic that we have chosen for the Prezi presentation. It was to make sure that the topic is interesting to be shared with the whole class and it had to be approved by Miss Amreet in order for us to continue doing more reading and research about the topic that we have chosen earlier.

        We needed to show things we planned to present, it means the subtopics for the main topic. As for my topic, Korean Traditional Games, I was planning on presenting about the history of the games and the way Korean play the games. I explained that I will also put some images and videos for the audience to understand clearly about the topic because I might cannot explain clearly about the way of the game being played so I hope that the video will make the audience understand clearly about the games. Gladly my topic was approved without problems but Miss Amreet made a suggestion for me to do some demonstration on how to play on of the game.

        On the Wednesday class, it was the Prezi workshop for us to learn about Prezi. But since we have learnt about Prezi when we were in Semester 2, it was not difficult for us to understand about Prezi and all the functions.  Since we were already familiar with Prezi, we were just needed to continue on planning our presentation. I have chosen the topic and I try to look for any information that related to the topic including videos and pictures. I also practice how to explain and present the topic so that my classmates will understand about the topics.

Reflection (Week 1)

Throughout the first week, we were introduced  to this new subject which is BIK 1193 Writing for Multimedia and Web. On the first day class, our lecturer, Miss Amreet Kaur has given brief introduction about this course. We were shown the Instructional Plan for the course. Miss Amreet has explained about the course as well as the assessments that we need to do for this course.

Since it is the first time we met Miss Amreet, we did self-introduction to get to know each other. During the session, we were asked about our expectation from this course, which is things that we expect to learn  from this Writing for Multimedia and Web course.

For me, I expect to learn something new from this course which can be useful for me to enhance my skills in any work or project that will be related with multimedia and web in the future. I also expected to enhance my writing skills in multimedia and web purposes which can be useful when I graduate from this program.

We were also have been told about our assessment and the due week for the assessment. The first one is Prezi presentation. For this Prezi presentation, we were asked to  do a presentation based on an interesting topic. But the topic must be approved by Miss Amreet so we were given time to think of the topic and make a research about everything that related to the topic chosen for the presentation.

For the whole first week, I spent time to think of the topic that I wanted to present, and I have chosen ‘Korean Traditional Game’ for my Prezi presentation and I did some reading to choose the subtopics that I want to highlight in the presentation about the topic later.

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