Assalamualaikum and hi !
Finally, this is the last week for this semester and of course for this course. Well at first, I could not really wait to finish everything. Because of all the assignments and tasks that I feel like it burdened me too much and I really want to end everythingas soon as possible. But when the time arrives, I started to feel a little bit sad because after this, we will not going to learn the same thing again.
For me, this course has taught me a lot about multimedia and web. I have learned many things that I had never been exposed to before. And I am really sure all things that I have learned will be useful for my future career.
This last week, we proceed with the digital story telling presentation. There were four more groups left to present their stories including my group. We voluntereed to be the first group to present our project. This is because we were to excited to share with our classmates what we have done with all the efforts and I feel proud to present our hardwork to them. Even there are some slight mistakes in the short movie but still for me, we had done our best and the result of the project is satisfying. Well this is our movie entitled The Wishing Star.
The Wishing Star - Rufflers Production
As for other groups, I can see that they also had done a very good job in making the movies. I enjoyed watching all the movied they had done and all of them are really good in these things. I am sure that all of us tried really hard to do our best and for me, we had done quite a good job.
After we finished all the presentations, we submitted the report. Miss Amreet gave her speech for the last class and I felt quite sad thinking that, this is our last meeting in class. We have learned a lot from Miss Amreet and she gave her best to guide all of us. I am satisfied with her teaching methods and I really enjoyed the class throughout the semester. As for assignments, even at first I feel like it was really burdening and it seemed impossible but when we got along the weeks, we somehow managed to complete everything on time.
Because this is our last class, we took some pictures together as memories. Unforgettable memories! This is our pictures, Group C, with Miss Amreet. She is really sporting and being in her class is really enjoyable towards the end.

Since this is the last reflection for this semester, I would like to take this chance to say thank you to or beloved lecturer, Miss Amreet Kaur, who had taught us a lot throughout the semester. Thank you for guiding us in completing all the assessments. Thank you for giving us such experiences that we never had before and we have learned many new exciting things and we were also very grateful to have a very good lecturer as her. Also thanks a lot to all my friends that had helped me in some works especially the digital story telling project.
This is the end of semester but I hope it is not the end for all of us to stay in touch. We will be sitting for our final examination and I wish GOOD LUCK to all my friends for the upcoming examination. I hope all of us can get good result and may everything going smooth for all of us. Thank you!