Dengue has become serious in certain places in our country. We can see that the dengue cases is increasing day by day. Somehow, there are some people who are not aware about the danger on their surroundings. Dengue fever has become one of most dangerous disease that make a person suffers a lot. There are some symptoms to identify if a person got the dengue fever that can be seen begin four to six days after infection. For example a patient will have sudden high fever, severe headache, joints and muscle paints. This disease has its own cause and it also will give impacts to the person who suffers from it.
Dengue fever is caused by the female Aedes mosquitos that infected by dengue virus. The mosquito that has bitten a person who has already infected by dengue virus in his blood will spread the virus when it bites another person. This virus can be spread from one person to another. The Aedes mosquitos live in places that have been neglected and it contains water that have not been thrown away. People who neglect their surrounding cleanliness will cause the Aedes mosquitos to live and it becomes the reason for this disease to spread.
If this issue does not get serious attention, it will leave bad effects on people. Firstly, the cases will increase rapidly if it is not be prevented. This is a serious matter that should not be taken for granted. For example, if a household do not take care of their house cleanliness, it will not just affect themselves but it will also affect their close neighbours who are innocent. Because of some peoples’ stubbornness or ignorance, they will give trouble to innocent people around them and the cases will increase without they knowing it.
Lastly, dengue fever can cause worse condition if it is not be prevented and the worst part is death. Dengue fever is always mistakenly be assumed as normal fever. If it is not be treated quickly, it can bring a patient to death. A patient who suffers from dengue fever will feel terrible pains because of the viruses that have been spread all over their body through blood. It will also become worse until the blood can flows out from the nostrils and it shows that the disease is getting serious. The suffers will be ended with death. A death of a person we love will be the effects of our ignorance.
As a conclusion, dengue fever is a really dangerous disease and it must not be taken easily. People should realize their responsibility to take care of their household to prevent bad things to happen. Dengue fever can be prevented by taking care of the cleanliness of surrounding and we can prevent the Aedes mosquitos from living in our surrounding. People should start to care about their loved ones and start to give an effort to prevent this dengue disease as we know, prevention is better than cure and we should start to give care before everything is too late.