Lately, usage of social network sites and social network applications are increasing shockingly. Social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpaces are being used widely. While social network applications such as Whatsapp, and Wechat have become the medium for people to stay connected to each other. These sites and applications are very common among youngsters and it becomes the easiest for them to contact each other even they stay far from each other. These sites and applications have made connection between people become wider and easier but in the same time, it creates problems amongst youth. Problems such as fights, cyber bullying and watching inappropriate sites, become common amongst them and sometimes it turns out worse as a crime. Everybody need to realize about their own roles in helping to reduce the problems.
Firstly, the users of these social network sites and social network applications should aware of their rights. If anything ever happen to them while using the sites and applications, such as cyber bullying, they should know that they have the right to report the problems. Some of them are afraid to make a report and it gives the chance to the person who involved in cyberbullying to escape from their wrongdoings. Some victims do not make a report because they assume that it is not a big thing and they do not want to create bigger issues. This will allow the culprit to escape and they will not afraid to repeat their activities. If a report was made, the culprit will get the punishments and it will reduce the possibility for them to repeat the cyber bullying activities. This will be one of the way to overcome the problem.
Next, parents should observe their children when they are using these social network sites and social network applications. Some parents ignore their children due to their works and it gives the chance for children to do inappropriate activities behind their parents. All should know a person’s right on their personal life but as parents, they should not just ignore their children’s life style which can drag them to do bad things. Parents should know their children’s activities on social network sites and also social network applications by having the accounts to observe them silently. Parents also can observe their internet usage data to detect any suspicious behavior that their children show. It will prevents the children to act freely and this will help to overcome the problems amongst youth that related to the usage of social network sites and applications.
Lastly, users of these sites and applications especially youngsters should know their limit in using these platforms to communicate. They should understand the functions of these social network sites and applications that were created to make connection between people become easier and faster and it should not been used in wrong ways. Youths should bear in their mind that all things that they have written in these sites and applications actually can be found and if they use it in wrong ways, they can get problems by their own actions. They should remember that they must use these platforms to get connected with their families and friends and they can also get new friends from different places. If a person can truly understand their limit and using the social network sites and social network applications in the right way, it can be beneficial for them and in the same time will overcome the problems that occur between users of these sites and applications.
Technology has made our life become easier. These social network sites and social network applications are surely have helped us a lot in getting connected to each other. It also has helped us in making any works easier to do. Therefore, users especially youths should use this advantages in a right way and avoid creating problems that will involve other people. Everyone has to realize the importance of their roles in overcoming this problems and start to show some care about this matter. Youngsters are the hope of our country and these problems should be handled seriously to make sure that future generation do not become a generation that is full with problems that finally will cause trouble to the country itself.